Regulatory Compliance

Chemwatch creates and maintains, arguably, the World’s largest database of Substance Regulation (700,000 substances, 7000 families, 4000+ granulated Lists, over 80 countries). All data is available in the Cloud and may be delivered to ERP systems, Reports and other Regulatory instruments using a simple Web Service API. Data is updated daily.

Over 12 GB of data is currently available, making it at least 4 times bigger than our nearest competitor.

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The Complete (M)SDS and Chemicals Management Solution(M)SDS is where it all starts; Now apply combined expertise and powerful tools!

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(M)SDS Authoring for the WorldAuthor (M)SDS in the Cloud in less then 5 minutes drawing from a library of 250,000 Substances, 30,000 phrases in 47 languages and 100,000 Rules!

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